📚Learn how to earn $crypto for simple social media tasks.

🔠 What you need to sign-up

  1. EOS account

    1. Get a free one here
    2. Own your keys with a paid one here
    3. Locate and save your EOS account name (free option example below)
    4. After signing in, tap EOS 👇


    e. Your account name is above “0 EOS” in the image 👇


  2. A video of your face saying “I will follow the Bee Code never to insult or cause a negative reaction”

    1. If you upload the video to Google Drive, make sure the permissions are set to public
    2. Right click —> Get Link —> General Access —> change from “Restricted” to “Anyone with the link”
  3. A Twitter profile

🐝 Now you are ready to register

  1. Register for Swarms with The EOS Chatbot through this link on Telegram.
  2. Type BEESWARM into the Chatbot to begin.
  3. Please allow 1 business day for your application to be reviewed.
  4. After 1 business day, here is how to check if your Swarm registration is complete and how to withdraw Swarm rewards.
    1. If your registration is not complete after 1 business day, message support here.

🤑 Swarm Rewards

  1. 12-24 hours after a Swarm is activated, rewards will go to your Tipit profile.
  2. You will get notified when a Swarm is active through the EOS Chatbot, on Discord and on WhatsApp.
  3. DO NOT withdraw from Tipit to an exchange. Withdraw from Tipit to your EOS account. From there, you can send to an exchange.
  4. The amount of rewards is based on the strength of your Twitter profile:
    1. How many followers you have
    2. How many people are you following
    3. If your followers like what you Tweet
  5. Every 3 months, the management team will look at your profile to determine whether you deserve more rewards. You may ask for a review at any time here.

📶 Referral Rewards